Risk management represents decision making under uncertainty; its value added lies in helping strike a better balance between risk and return.

Risk Advisors advocates an investment-related approach to risk management that is designed to enhance the effectiveness of the portfolio risk-return decision-making process in the pursuit of superior risk-efficient returns.


Risk Advisors has developed a comprehensive bottom-up and top-down risk solution customized for fundamental bottom-up equity vehicles, long/short and long-only, encompassing:


Bottom-up stock-level risk analysis:

  • exposure and volatility analysis

  • exposure and ticker dissection across fundamental factor spectra

  • historical stress testing

  • liquidity analysis

  • stock-level stop-loss safeguards

  • stock-level alpha analysis

  • historical risk-return-exposure attribution and alpha analysis

(illustrative bottom-up report on fictitious portfolio)


Top-down portfolio-level macro-factor analysis:

  • portfolio sensitivity to macro asset-class and style-factor dimensions

  • portfolio hedge analysis: index- and sector-equivalent replicating portfolio that best represents a fundamental bottom-up assembled portfolio

(illustrative top-down reports on fictitious portfolio)


In addition, Risk Advisors provides consulting services, with representative analyses shown alongside, specializing in:



Risk Advisors looks forward to working with you to complement your fundamental bottom-up-driven investment decision-making process with a comprehensive risk-management solution that is well integrated with the investment fabric of your firm.

Proprietary and confidential to Risk Advisors