Parsimonious but explanatory: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
– Albert Einstein
Strategic-Quantitative & Market-Based Analysis
Customized analytical solutions designed to support and complement the investment- and portfolio-management decision-making process. This spans the spectrum from designing hedging and risk-mitigation solutions, to developing frameworks to facilitate security and portfolio analysis, to researching topical risk-reward relationships in equity and macro markets. Recent representative examples include:
Hedging related:
- single-stock, thematic-basket and portfolio-level hedging prescription with correlated basket of stocks, ETFs and indices, including detailed risk-return-correlation and hedged P&L analysis
- portfolio-optimization analysis, subject to portfolio-construction constraints, to suggest “model” weightings, including detailed risk-return-correlation and hedged P&L analysis
Macro & factor related:
- portfolio sensitivity to major macro factors encompassing equity, rates & credit, currency and commodity asset-class spectrum: correlation matrix, scatter-plot distributional analysis, macro-factor stress test and stock-level correlation ranking
- composite macro-factor influence on portfolio stocks using high-level, sequentially “de-correlated “ macro factors (equity, rates & credit, currency and commodity factors)
- environmentally-pertinent, macro-contingent market analysis (for e.g., SPX vs. UST10y regime relationship, risk-premium vs. duration-based, and SPX industry responsiveness contingent on regime behavior)
- macro regime-change early-warning indicator: multi-term moving-average correlation of macro factors (equity, rates & credit, currency and commodity factors); graphical and tabular analysis
- macro relative-value diagnostic: SPX rich/cheap barometer vs. macro factors (equity, rates & credit, currency and commodity factors); graphical and tabular analysis
- stock-level correlation sensitivity, exposure aggregation by correlation bucket, and portfolio-level stress testing and hedge analysis to extreme macro factor draw-down/claw-back episodes (equity, rates & credit, currency and commodity factors)
- S&P large-, mid- and small-cap component stocks fundamental factor decomposition over given horizon: correlation-decomposition, scatter-plot representation and performance bucketing by “alpha” generators
- implied equity-risk premium and ST, MT and LT fundamental equity rich/cheap signals
- composite and component inter-asset class greed-fear metric and ST z-score macro risk gauge across equity, rates & credit, currency and commodity factors
- weekly macro review of rates, foreign exchange, commodity, equity and hedge-funds
Stock screens:
- stock universe factor-ranked screen using sentiment, price & earnings momentum, earnings revision, valuation, leverage and profitability factors
- implied free cash-flow and contrarian short-interest- and analyst-ranking-based stock screens
- liquidity and operating constraint-based (sector-specific and stock-level exposure) universe-sizing algorithm
Options related:
- framework for evaluating option alternatives for given exposure/premium objectives
- option-pricing simulation framework to value indifferent fee pricing over various lockup horizons
- implied probability of impending bankruptcy via equity and option information using Merton’s option-value-of-the-firm methodology; CDS linkage via implied probability of default
- detailed risk-return-exposure attribution and alpha analysis at fund, sector and analyst level; return decomposition into stock-selection and sector-allocation alpha, market-timing and market-directional return
- predictive ability/inability of various sentiment indicators, including VIX, risk reversals, Market Vane’s bullish-consensus survey etc.
- S&P 500 index, sector, industry and stock response to prior Fed ease/hike cycles including performance evolution at equivalent real Fed-Funds level
- gold adjusted for fundamental asset-class factors
- broker-ranking analysis based on research and execution polling criteria
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