Fixed Income:

  • Rates: US: rates modestly higher and mildly steeper; UK: modest bear steepener; Germany: rates “Draghi”ed lower across curve; Japan: pivots tepidly flatter
  • MT & LT US Inflationary Expectations: Breakevens biased higher in MT, modestly higher in LT; 5y E(inflation), 5y fwd higher; inflation swaps divine similar signals
  • Fed-Funds Pricing: Oct prognosticates 6% chance of 25bp hike to 0.25%-0.50%, +/-0% w-o-w. Dec postulates 38% chance of 25bp hike to 0.25%-0.50, +4% w-o-w. Jan-16 estimates 50% chance of 25bp hike to 0.25%-0.50%, +4% w-o-w. Mar-16 conjectures 78% chance of 25bp hike to 0.25%-0.50%, +8% w-o-w. (Oct, Dec, Jan-16 & Mar-16 use next month’s contract to avoid late-month calculation leverage; further-out rates tend to reflect liquidity/term premium; calcs assume path independence)
  • Short-term fwd 3m LIBOR curve (liquidity barometer): Euro$ future yields commensurate with short UST rates, leaving ST swap-spreads unchd; nearby TED, spot 3m Libor-OIS & fwd (near IMM date) 3m LIBOR-OIS flat
  • Credit Spreads: swap-spreads biased a bit tighter in MT; IG CDS tighter; HY CDS 3x so; AAA MBS CF spread marginally tighter (relative to swaps); decisively tighter further down B spectrum (BBG composite; relative to swaps); high-yield spreads nicely tighter per BBG (BBG trade-based data; relative to swaps), emerging-market spreads grudgingly so

Foreign Exchange:

  • Dollar index surges, gaining, in order, vs. EUR, CHF, JPY & GBP, amongst majors; CAD weaker, AUD less so; carry generally weaker and depends on funder; BRL firmer, MXN lower; spot CNY flattish, implied 12m forward CNY depreciation at -3%, -0.4% w-o-w as forward underperforms spot


  • CRB stumbles, crude tumbles; 2:1:1 crack spread higher, exaggerated by low base, as gasoline & heating oil outperform crude; nat gas sinks lower; cattle gores higher; softs, save flattish corn, mildly lower flagged by rice; industrial metals all lower with Al worst; steel equities flat; Baltic dry-goods noses firmer; precious complex tepidly weaker; nominal Au off, less than telegraphed by much firmer DXY, leaving ccy-protected Au firmer


  • All celebrate Oktoberfest with Germany best, amongst developed-markets tracked; NJ-Asia all gain though largely in the decimal; EU Eastern-Euro mild off, Russia mild on; Latin Am modestly higher, amongst developing-markets followed
  • VIX mildly lower on firmer market, implied avg correlation a shade firmer; Top/bottom 10 realized weekly industry returns biased green, magnitude and direction, as reflected in attached statistical summary
  • S&P 500 Sector: Info tech, industrials and financials best in green; energy, healthcare and utilities worst, and only three, in red
  • S&P500 Industry: Distributors (GPC), software (MSFT best) and airlines (LUV best) best in green; textiles & apparel (PVH & VFC worst), healthcare providers & services (THC worst) and multiline retail worst in red
  • S&P 500 Stock: Pls. see attached file, pg 3, for intra-sector performance
  • Fundamental-based implied-ERP indicator: ST Trader: FV zone 3m & 6m; MT trader: FV zone, cheaper end, 1y, biased cheap 2y and FV zone, cheaper end, 3y; LT trader: FV zone 5y & 10y and ultra LT marginally cheap
  • Trend-based technical indicator: SPX classical LT trend-based signal stays with downtrend with ST, and now MT, moving averages dissenting on price reversal. NDX classical LT trend-based signal flips to uptrend with LT moving average cautioning.  Signal switching typically causing headaches for trend-following CTAs.

Hedge Fund:

  • HFR index flat with equity-market neutral best, event-driven worst (1d lag)

Inter-Asset Class Greed/Fear Indicator:

  • Composite-level G/F index round trip back to summer sanguinity with SPX and VIX insouciantly throwing all caution to the wind

(Please review pdf link below for statistical summary)

Weekly Macro Review Oct 23, 2015


Note: calculations Risk Advisors, data Bloomberg

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